Saturday, 28 January 2012

Sea Breezers Swim practice

Our first swim in 2012, with our lucky Gnarly nutters hats, after planning our calendar of Dover, Poole and open water swims. By the time we get into the sea in September we will have done at least 11 Dover swims conditioning ourselves for the cold, the rain, the waves and the dark waters.

We also plan to spend some days at the swimming pool where we get in and out, so that we experience the challenge of a 90 minute swim repeated over 12 hours, and I confess a sense of relief that we will at least be physically fit if we do everything we plan as a base and build on that to meet our calendars.

Today was 60+ lengths of the 33 meter long pool in Putney. What was lovely
was the connection and joy I felt towards three talented, powerful and inspirational women, as we were all motivating and coaching each other, sharing fears, hopes and dreams, and crafting our approach to the challenge. It will be something special that when we've done it, we'll be linked in that way that only people who've been through something tough together know.

Friends forever, a deep rooted trust in each other, and a story to tell our future generations. Here's to an extraordinary 2012, I am so proud to be part of this crew :)

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